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Global Trends of Power Panasonic Batteries
Time:2019-02-26    Source:    Views:1881
In 2008, Panasonic Battery merged Sanyo Motor into the power battery category. In 2009, it began to cooperate with Tesla, thus opening a brilliant prelude.
As the leader of cylindrical power batteries, Panasonic Battery Technology is proud of the world and has long been one of the best shipments. How can it be achieved?
The survey data show that Panasonic has the highest quality of NCM and NCA batteries and 21700 models at the same price, relying on the accumulated expertise and collaborative consumption with Tesla to reduce cost and improve quality. At present, the highest single energy density of NCA 18650 batteries reaches 250Wh/kg, and that of 21700 cylindrical batteries used in Tesla Model 3 reaches 340Wh/kg, which is the highest single energy density in the current market.
In terms of shipments, Panasonic's shipments from 2014 to 2016 were 2.7GWh, 4.6GWh and 7.2GWh, ranking the first in the world from time to time. Shipment volume of 10GWh in 2017 was surpassed by Ningde period, ranking second.
As an exclusive supplier of Tesla batteries, Panasonic has been collaborating with Tesla batteries for nearly 10 years. With good cooperation with Tesla, Panasonic continues to expand new customers such as Volkswagen, Toyota and Ford. Panasonic used to be the largest power battery supplier for Volkswagen and Ford. Volkswagen Group's brand Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche and other new energy vehicles and Ford's best-selling C-MAX, Fusion all use Panasonic power batteries.
In order to meet customer needs and stabilize the tap position, Panasonic expands power battery capacity from time to time. The company's power battery capacity in 2015 is 13 GWh, about 22.5 GWh in 2017, estimated to reach 33 GWh in 2018 and 52 GWh in 2020. At present, Panasonic has four, one and two power battery factories in Japan, the United States and China.

Panasonic has been singing all the way in the field of power batteries, which is closely related to the deep background of its group.
It is understood that the founder Matsushita fortunately helped set up Matsushita Electrical Appliances Manufacturing Institute, the predecessor of Matsushita Electrical Appliances, in Osaka, Japan, in 1918, and it will be exactly one hundred years until 2018. At the end of 2017, the company had 591 subsidiaries and 88 subsidiaries worldwide, with 274 143 employees. The company touches on four business sectors: household appliances cooling and heating equipment, environmental solutions, interconnected disposal solutions, automotive electronics and electromechanical systems. In 2017, the sales volume of Panasonic Electric Appliances was 488.9 billion yuan, and its net profit was 14.46 billion yuan.
Panasonic battery business belongs to the automotive electronics and electromechanical system sector in the annual report business category, including disposable batteries and secondary batteries. Primary batteries include lithium batteries, dry batteries, secondary batteries include lithium-ion batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries, needle-shaped lithium-ion batteries, valve-regulated lead-acid batteries and electric vehicles valve-regulated lead-acid batteries.
Lithium-ion batteries are used in consumer equipment, electric vehicles, energy storage systems, etc. Panasonic initially focused on household appliances business, using plate similarity and unique technology, consumed thinner and lighter lithium-ion batteries. In 2008, Panasonic acquired Sanyo Electric, which is a powerful company, and entered the power battery category. In 2009, Panasonic began to cooperate with Tesla, thus opening a brilliant prelude.
From the performance point of view, Panasonic battery business income in 2016 and 2017 basically unchanged, stabilized at about 30 billion yuan, the proportion of automotive electromechanical plate rose slightly from 21.25% to 22.58%.
According to Guotai Jun'an Securities data, as the largest customer of Panasonic battery is Tesla, according to the cost of Tesla batteries in 2015-2107 are 200 US dollars/kwh, 200 US dollars/kwh, 190 US dollars/kwh, and the annual average exchange rate, Panasonic power battery shipments, it is estimated that the revenue of Panasonic power battery in 2015-2017 is 5.730 billion yuan, 9.565 billion yuan and 12.828 billion yuan, respectively. Increasing trend, estimating the future will be one of the important driving forces to promote Panasonic revenue growth.
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