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Introduction of LC-P1217 Panasonic Battery
Time:2019-02-15    Source:    Views:1792
Panasonic Battery LC-P1217ST - General Purpose for Backup Floating Charge
Purpose: Large, medium and small UPS, communication field, medical equipment, safety system, etc.
Characteristics: The life expectancy of floating charge is 6 years (25 C) / 10 years (20 C).
Higher specific energy;
The use of high quality flame retardant ABS groove shell, in line with UL94V-0 standard, reduces the possibility of shell combustion;
High quality grid alloy, unique production process, enhance the corrosion resistance of grid, prolong the service life of products.
Relevant parameters
Model: Panasonic battery LC-P1217
Colour: Grey
Weight: 5.45KG
Origin: Shenyang
Type: Shenyang Panasonic Battery, Panasonic Battery, Panasonic Battery LC-P Series
Specification: Panasonic battery LC-P1217 series
Detailed introduction
Panasonic Battery Product Characteristics:
1. Good safety performance: No leakage of electrolyte, no expansion and rupture of battery under normal use.
2. Good discharge performance: stable discharge voltage and flat discharge platform.
3. Vibration resistance is good: fully charged batteries are completely fixed, vibrating for 1 hour at 4 mm amplitude and 16.7 Hz frequency, no leakage, no expansion and rupture of batteries, and open circuit voltage is normal.
4. Good impact resistance: fully charged batteries naturally fall from 20 cm high to 1 cm thick hardwood board three times. No leakage, no battery expansion and rupture, open circuit voltage is normal.
5. Excellent over-discharge resistance: 25 degrees Celsius, fully charged batteries are discharged with constant resistance for 3 weeks (the resistance value is equivalent to the resistance required by the 1CA discharge of the battery), and the recovery capacity is more than 75%.
6. Excellent overcharge resistance: 25 degrees Celsius, 0.1CA battery charged for 48 hours, no leakage, no battery expansion and rupture, normal open-circuit voltage, capacity maintenance rate of more than 95%.
7. Good resistance to high current: 2CA discharges for 5 minutes or 10CA discharges for 5 seconds in fully charged batteries. No conductive part fuses, no appearance deformation.
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