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Difference between Panasonic battery and battery in Shenyang
Time:2018-08-11    Source:    Views:1723
Panasonic batteries are devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy that generate electricity in cups, tanks, or other containers or in a part of the space of a composite container containing electrolyte solutions and metal electrodes. Positive and negative points. As technology advances, Panasonic batteries usually refer to small devices that generate electricity. Such as solar cells. Shenyang Panasonic battery performance parameters mainly include electromotive force, capacity, specific energy and resistance. By using batteries as energy sources, we can obtain voltage stability, current stability, power supply stability for a long time, external influence of small current, battery structure is simple, easy to carry, charge and discharge operation is simple and easy, not affected by external climate and temperature, stable and reliable performance in all aspects of modern social life. Play an important role.

Batteries are divided into dry cells and accumulators.

Dry battery: battery is the main battery in chemical power supply, and it is a disposable battery. Because this type of chemical power plant has an electrolyte of an immobile paste, it is called a dry cell, not a cell with a flowing electrolyte. Dry batteries are not only suitable for flashlights, semiconductor radios, tape recorders, cameras, electronic clocks, toys, etc., but also suitable for national defense, scientific research, telecommunications, navigation, aviation, medicine and other areas of the national economy, very convenient to use. Ordinary dry batteries are mostly manganese-zinc batteries, with carbon rods in the middle, a mixture of graphite and manganese dioxide, followed by a layer of fiber mesh. The Internet is coated with a very thick electrolyte paste, which consists of an ammonium chloride solution and starch, with a small amount of preservatives. The outer layer is made of metal zinc skin, and the zinc pillar dry battery is the negative electrode.

Panasonic batteries: use a lead substrate grid (also known as a grid) filled with spongy lead as a negative electrode, lead dioxide as a positive substrate and dilute sulfuric acid with a density of 1.26-1.33 g/ml, and milliliters as an electrolyte. When the battery is discharged, the metal lead is the negative electrode, and the oxidation reaction takes place to form lead sulfate; the lead dioxide is the positive electrode, and the reduction reaction takes place to form lead sulfate. When the battery is charged by direct current, element lead and two lead oxide are produced at the poles. After discharging the power, it will revert to the state before discharge and form a chemical cell. Lead acid batteries can be repeatedly charged and discharged. Its single voltage is 2V. A battery is a battery pack made up of one or more monomers, or batteries. The most common are 6V batteries, and other 2V, 4V, 8V, 12V and 24V batteries. For example, the batteries used in automobiles (often called batteries) are six of these lead batteries connected in series at 2V.
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