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Failure mode of Panasonic battery
Time:2018-03-14    Source:    Views:1753
Failure mode of valve controlled lead-acid lead-acid battery
The main modes of failure of Panasonic batteries include sulfation (sulfuration), loss of water, positive grid corrosion, positive material activity reduction and diaphragm contraction. Sulfation and water loss are the most common failure modes of Panasonic battery. Ensuring that the battery is in good operation environment and timely detect the early failure of single battery is the most effective way to avoid the failure of battery pack. The comprehensive monitoring of the operating parameters and performance parameters of the battery is to avoid the early failure of the battery and prolong the service life of the battery.

Common failure mode analysis of Panasonic battery:
One is the inherent factor of the principle of valve controlled lead-acid battery, which is mainly:
1) the positive plate corrosion of floating charge batteries, the design service life depends mainly on the grid corrosion rate, which is affected by the grid plate material, electrolyte density and environmental temperature, but it is a slow process, resulting in the end of life can be up to ten years. However, when the battery is overcharged, the negative electrode generates water and reduces acidity through the oxygen composite channel, while the positive electrode produces H+, which accelerates the corrosion of the positive grid. In the same high temperature environment, the corrosion of the positive plate grid is also accelerated, thus shortening the life expectancy of the battery.
2) loss: because the VRLA battery is lean liquid design, absorbing the amount of electrolyte is very limited, water loss will lead directly to the battery capacity loss.  According to the statistics, more than 70% of the battery failure is caused by the loss of water.
During the charging process, incomplete oxygen compound reaction and grid corrosion will cause water loss. When charging each time, because the rate of gas production is greater than that of gas recombination rate, a part of gas escapes and loses water. The corrosion of the positive gate is also one of the factors that cause water loss.
3) the negative plate sulfation in the charging process, once the oxygen recombination reaction, consumed nearly all current flows into the cathode, the anode may not be polarized to open circuit electrode potential, so whether the battery is charging or discharging, the negative plate total lead sulfate, the cathode in non fully charged state and the formation of irreversible lead sulfate, the battery capacity is gradually reduced, resulting in the failure of the battery.
4): thermal runaway in the charging process, the recombination reactions within the cell will produce a lot of heat, due to the sealing structure of battery to heat the battery temperature is too high, resulting in failure.
Factors for the quality of battery production process:
In fact, because of the quality of the production technology of the cell, such as raw material ingredients is not stable, paste volume is not the same, the lug corrosion fracture, the shell and the shell cover between the liquid leakage, valve cover opening is ineffective, causing large discreteness and battery performance, battery main factors for early failure.
Because of the material production process, the batteries caused by discreteness of battery performance dispersion, will be reflected in the battery in use, such as discrete floating charge voltage, charge will inevitably bring about a single battery and less charge.
Use of environmental factors:
1) unreasonably set the charge voltage, high voltage setting will lead to overcharge, and too low setting will lead to undercharge, and the two will affect battery life.
2) high ambient temperature will accelerate the corrosion of the battery gate plate and affect the battery life.
3) there is a condition of frequent blackouts that make the battery not sufficient and discharged, which will lead to the sulfation of the battery and not to be recovered.
Through the analysis of failure modes of lead-acid VRLA batteries, it can be seen that the failure of battery is gradual, and can be reflected in the change of internal resistance. And no case of loss of battery performance has been found yet, and its internal resistance has not changed. This provides a convenient way for monitoring the battery performance status for us: continuous monitoring of operating parameters of the battery (battery voltage, charge and discharge current, battery temperature) and the change of single internal resistance of battery, the battery by the battery for monitoring, early failure characteristics, timely detection of single battery is not balanced, and the failure condition of battery, and timely and effective treatment, can prevent the battery deterioration aggravating, prolong the service life of the battery.
Panasonic lead-acid battery terminal voltage and does not reflect the characteristics of the battery capacity, the actual use, in addition to the current and voltage parameters can be directly measured, Panasonic battery impedance is a parameter that can be measured directly in the actual measurement of battery internal resistance, can discover many problems of the battery, especially can immediately determine serious failure battery or battery connection problems exist. The internal resistance of the battery has been recognized as a rapid and reliable method for the diagnosis of the health of the battery.
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