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Good news, Panasonic battery dealer's good day
Time:2018-03-10    Source:    Views:1709
Looking back on the wind and rain in the battery industry in 2017, we can get some inspiration to deal with this year's industry trend, which is more critical. In 2017, the industry has issued 3 major signals, a number of dealers and enterprises are already in the cliff, is the retreat, in the end how to do?
1, environmental protection, production capacity, industry waiting for transformation and upgrading
In 2017, the battery industry set off the environmental rectification movement. The battery factory that did not reach the standard has stopped production and rectified. Many batteries are out of stock and the price is rising. Through environmental protection, we will shut down enterprises that fail to meet the standards. This year, environmental supervision has been launched, and they are still operating fake and shoddy battery dealers and enterprises. This year, they will be focused.

2. The leading price of the big brand is higher and the management is more and more standardized.
In 17 years the price of raw materials rose under the background, in March this year, the beginning of battery manufacturers publish a notice of price increases, although lead prices continued to decline, but industry experts said that in March the battery market as a whole or in short supply, this is an objective phenomenon! After the two sessions, the battery market will be more standardized to remove small brands of inferior batteries.

3. Lithium batteries are killed and lead-acid batteries are rising.
In 2017, the lithium battery has a large area of tide strikes, do a lot of lead-acid battery brand launched the lithium battery, however, lead-acid battery is almost all the way up, from the beginning of August last year, lead prices rose a lot, the battery price is soaring, over the years back, the battery is also showing a rising price trend.
Do the battery business dealers friends, do not worry too much, NPC and CPPCC, deputies of the battery industry on the adjustment of the lead-acid battery consumption tax proposal, got the battery industry colleagues agree, once the proposal was passed, spring day our battery industry is coming!
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