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Panasonic battery reducing charge time
Time:2018-03-10    Source:    Views:1758

With the gradual increase of the frequency of Matsushita Battery, there are many times when it is urgent to use electric charge or charging, many people will charge by increasing the current. The advantage of this charge is not only to reduce the charging time, but also to ensure that the electricity is full, and the capacitance is not reduced. But the fact is that there's a lot of damage to the Panasonic battery.
Panasonic battery in the production process are certain specifications, Panasonic battery manufacturers according to specifications to produce, so all kinds of data have been fixed. But because the charging current is relatively small, the battery charge time is relatively long, it is probably around eight hours, so at night, go home for a night, and use it for second days. However, some people often forget to charge in the evening, and they don't have enough electricity to use the same day.  Finally, we want to overcome this problem through large current. But instead, the current increases, not only can not make car battery charge capacity reached, it will cause the battery to rise very fast, produce a lot of heat and gas, resulting in active substances inside the battery off, thereby affecting the service life of batteries.
In addition, professionals point out that polarization is likely to occur when charged with a large current. What is polarisation to be popularized here?
Polarization is a phenomenon of the two charging. It is mainly due to the polarization reaction of positive and negative poles when the battery is charging and discharging. It moves both potentials, which is very harmful to batteries. Plus, in the process of battery charging, the concentration polarization will be more obvious. If it stops charging, the diffusion will aggravate its disappearance. That is to say, though it is full of electricity, it will not use as long as slow charging.
In addition, professionals also emphasize that increasing current charging will lead to outgassing and temperature rise, and the decomposition of water is serious, resulting in a large number of active substances falling off. It will also lead to inadequate chemical reaction inside the battery, and the result is to shorten the service life of batteries.
NPU battery
So the point is, will the Panasonic battery meet this situation, too? In fact, even if the high quality battery such as Panasonic battery, if you do not pay attention to maintenance, there will be these bad phenomena. So pay special attention to maintenance.

As a leading brand of high quality lead-acid batteries, Panasonic battery has made great achievements in the development of batteries, which not only promoted the development of China's lead-acid battery industry, but also injected fresh factors into the industry. Over the years, always adhere to the inheritance of culture Naipu aoteduo battery manufacturers, brand perception model of the concept, continuous innovation, constantly absorbing advanced technology, after years of development, has established a relatively perfect market system, to provide a more comprehensive and faster speed of products and services for consumers.

Whether the use of the battery is stable and whether it can prolong the service life depends a lot on whether the charging mode is correct or not. The quality of the maintenance of the battery determines the sense of experience of the consumer and the need to spend more.

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