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The charging method of the Panasonic battery
Time:2018-03-08    Source:    Views:1904
1. constant current charging method
The constant current charging method is a charging method by adjusting the output voltage of the charging device or changing the series resistance of the Panasonic battery to keep the charging current strength unchanged, as shown in Figure 2. The control method is simple, but due to the gradual decline of the battery's acceptable current capability with the charging process, the charging current is mostly used for electrolysis water and gas generation at the later stage of charging.
2. stage charging method
This method includes two stage charging method and three stage charging method.
1) the two stage method adopts the fast charging method combined with constant current and constant voltage. First, the Panasonic battery is charged at constant current to a predetermined voltage value, and then converted to constant voltage to complete the remaining charge. The conversion voltage between the two stages is the constant voltage of the second stage.
2) the three stage charging method uses constant current charging at the beginning and end of charging and recharging with constant voltage in the middle. When the current attenuates to a predetermined value, it is converted from the second stage to the third stage. This method reduces the output of gas to a minimum, but it is limited as a fast charging method.
3. constant pressure charging method
The voltage of the rechargeable power supply keeps a constant value during the full charging time. With the gradual increase of the voltage of the Panasonic battery end, the current gradually decreases. Compared with the constant current charging method, the charging process is closer to the optimal charging curve. With constant voltage fast charging, because of the low charging potential of the Matsushita Battery at the early stage of charging, the charging current is very large, and the current will gradually decrease with the charging. Therefore, a simple control system is needed.
This charging method has little water electrolysis and avoids the overcharge of the battery. But at the beginning of the charging, the current is too large, which has a great influence on the life of the Panasonic battery, and it is easy to bend the battery's plate and cause the battery to be scrapped.
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