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The problems of the Panasonic battery in the backup power supply
Time:2018-03-07    Source:    Views:1705
Panasonic battery will have all kinds of unexpected problems in the operation of backup power. Next we will analyze the problems of Panasonic battery in backup power operation.
1. The battery life can not meet the design requirements
In the daily operation, the Panasonic battery has been seriously deteriorated after three years of use, and the cycle of the Panasonic battery is generally not more than 5 years. Matsushita Battery manufacturers to remind you that the reason for this is that Matsushita batteries in use process has not been effective and rational management and maintenance, resulting in battery deterioration in the early stage, and after finding the problem without the timely correction of errors, resulting in the deterioration of the battery more serious deterioration, exacerbated the accumulation, eventually scrapped prematurely battery.
Due to the current domestic charging mechanism of DC system is not very perfect, there is a voltage drift in the actual situation in the long term, car battery in the floating red state, if float voltage deviates from the normal range, it will cause the car battery overcharge or under charge of long-term overcharge or less charge for battery vigorously in practice. In three years there will be a serious deterioration of the battery, the use of more than 5 years rarely. The reason is that there is no effective and reasonable management and maintenance of batteries in use, resulting in early deterioration of batteries, and failure to detect lagged batteries in time, resulting in accumulation and aggravation of degradation, leading to premature abandonment of batteries.
>2) the operation and performance status of the battery is unknown. If there is a lagged battery in the battery group, it can also discharge through a certain depth and charge cycle, to a certain extent, to reduce the difference between backwardness. However, due to the lack of good management tools, the internal performance parameters of battery, such as the internal resistance of battery and the current residual capacity, can not be clearly understood, so the corresponding measures can not be implemented.
3) for single batteries, charging mechanism reliability due to the need to improve the charging mechanism of domestic HVDC system is not very perfect, there is a voltage drift in the actual situation in the long term, the battery in float state, if the float voltage deviates from the normal range, it will cause the battery overcharge or under charge of long-term the over charge or the under charge of very large influence on the battery performance. The current imbalance between monomer battery battery by the number of single cells of many components, difference between monomer battery voltage and resistance of existing in actual operation, especially in the floating charge, this imbalance is very serious. Some backwardness batteries are not fully charged. If they are not found and handled in time, the backwardness will increase. So repeated, this imbalance is aggravated, resulting in the failure of the backwardness battery, resulting in the early loss of the capacity of the entire battery.
5) unattended site maintenance work of the lack of good management means for many unmanned monitoring sites, due to the lack of network management monitoring means for the maintenance of battery is more weak, especially for the operation of the storage battery and performance, can not understand. A large number of maintenance and management work is carried out by manual work. At the same time, the arrangement and analysis of data need to maintain a strong professional knowledge of the maintenance personnel.
6) the life of battery can't be predicted in advance and the replacement of battery is lack of scientific basis. We hope that we can make judgement in advance, and win time for battery replacement. But at present, there is no reliable means to terminate battery life, only based on years of experience. Therefore, in practice, the battery discharge capacity is often lower than the minimum requirement, and the life of the battery is found to be terminated in the discharge. The performance of the Panasonic battery has a great influence.
Two. The operation and performance of the battery are unknown
If there is a backwardness battery in the battery group, a certain depth of discharge and charging cycle can be used to reduce the difference of backwardness to a certain extent. However, due to the lack of good management tools, the internal performance parameters of battery, such as the internal resistance of battery and the current residual capacity, can not be clearly understood, so the corresponding measures can not be implemented. The French Louis battery tells you that in use, please avoid such a situation.
Three. For the mono Panasonic battery, the reliability of the charging mechanism needs to be perfected
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