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Failure analysis and treatment mode of Panasonic battery
Time:2018-03-06    Source:    Views:1807
Panasonic battery is a DC backup power supply widely used in power plants and substations to provide electrical equipment operation, control, signal, protection and emergency lighting. It has the advantages of high discharge rate, relatively simple charge and discharge maintenance, no need for specialized batteries, long service life (about 10 to 15 years), low price, and low pollution. However, due to the improper charging and discharging methods and the cause of the battery quality, the capacity of the DC power supply decreased, which resulted in the difficulty of breaking the circuit breaker. This paper gives an analysis of the common faults and gives the corresponding treatment methods.
1 the voltage dispersion between each single cell is large
Alkaline batteries (with sintered for) the float voltage is generally 1.35V ~ 1.45V + 0.05V, when more than this range is large dispersion, this phenomenon can be divided into the following several kinds of symptoms.
1.1 the main reason for the voltage dispersion of the single battery is due to the insufficient charging of the Panasonic battery.
1) insufficient charging at the initial charge;
2) float voltage low;
3) the balance charging is not enough;
4) it is not enough to recharge after discharge.
That low float voltage should be adjusted, due to the initial charge when the charge is insufficient, the repeated charge discharge method, the capacity reaches the specified value.
1.2 a few batteries are very low in voltage
In the inspection of the Panasonic battery, it is found that the voltage of a certain battery is very low, and it should be emphasized to check the polarity reversal. If it is, it should be removed from the loop in time; if it is not, it may be caused by a partial short circuit. The so-called local short circuit is a small short-circuit circuit between the anode of the battery and the cathode plate. Due to the low voltage caused by a local short circuit, a balanced charging method can be used to restore the battery. If it can not be recovered, the battery should be replaced.
The terminating period of the 1.3 Panasonic battery is asymptotically, and the dispersity is increasing.
Due to the increase of service life, the difference between self discharge of alkaline storage battery is bigger and bigger. When measuring the voltage dispersion is bigger and bigger, we should increase the number of battery measurement and increase the number of equalizing charging appropriately, so as to make up for the difference of self discharge between batteries.
2 discharge capacity reduction
In use, the decrease of battery discharge capacity is often found, which is mainly caused by the following factors.
2.1 insufficient charge
There are a few of the following:
1) float voltage is too low and the long-term use of a power plant has been running for one year, the battery capacity decline, it is due to the floating voltage table caused by inaccurate indication of float voltage is too low for long-term use, the battery charge and discharge capacity to recover after normal use.
2) frequent charging and discharging, but not enough to restore charging, will lead to a reduction of discharge capacity. The floating capacity of Matsushita Battery will be insufficient or uneven for a long time, which is due to the large electrochemical change of active substances. In the activated charge discharge, if the current is not well grasped, the capacity will be reduced easily, especially after a charging and discharging cycle is recharged.
3) no balanced charging. The equilibrium charging is accident (no AC floating charge) battery after a supplementary power on the battery, if not balanced charging will cause the electrode passivation reduction of battery capacity, a substation outage after the battery in floating state, long-term use, to reduce capacity, so the use of units should pay attention to balanced charge, timely replenishment of electricity.
After the capacity is reduced, we should identify the cause and remove the malfunction. At the same time, deep charge and discharge to the battery can make the chemical reaction of the battery fully activated. It is best to cooperate with the replacement of electrolyte, and the effect is better.
2.2 potassium carbonate increase
The reason for capacity reduction is not only the lack of charging, but also the increase of potassium carbonate due to the reaction of the electrolyte of Matsushita Battery and the carbon dioxide in the air or with the electrolyzed oxidizing organisms of the battery components. When the content of potassium carbonate increases, the specific gravity of electrolyte increases, the internal resistance of battery increases, and the voltage drop increases. This will have an adverse effect on large electric discharge electricity, such as oil switch jump, charging and discharging. May also make the main component in the anode of cadmium in the charge and discharge process of coarse crystallization tended to broadly effective surface area reduced, at the same time, because the hydroxyl ion (OH) reduction will make the discharge reaction stops, these will make the current high rate discharge voltage and reduce the battery capacity is insufficient. Therefore, the electrolyte should be tested regularly. Such problems can be solved by regular replacement of the electrolyte if the measure or electrolyte is not very large. In the external installation, we suggest that the operating unit replace the electrolyte for 2 to 3 years, with a deep charge and discharge, and the effect is good.
3 electrolyte distilled water is not pure
During installation, it is also found that the battery distilled water is impure, resulting in battery capacity reduction, voltage drop and battery failures such as leakage in the pole part.
There are some faults are caused by charging and discharging device, such as a power plant in Aletai, due to the balanced charging and float charging automatic conversion failure, operation staff failed to find, resulting in long-term operation in the floating charge state, the capacity to reduce a lot, in the tripping test, has been unable to close the distance. After the replacement of the electrolyte and the depth charge and discharge, the capacity is restored.
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