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Development of the global lead-acid battery industry in 2018
Time:2018-03-05    Source:    Views:1576
A lead-acid battery is a battery that is made of lead and its oxide, and the electrolyte is a sulphuric acid solution. It is widely used in many fields, such as automobiles, motorcycles, communications, new energy, transportation, electricity and so on.
Competition status of global lead-acid battery market
From the perspective of the global lead-acid battery capacity scale, China is a big producer. Its output accounts for about 45% of the world's total output. Next is the United States, accounting for about 32% of the total output, and Japan is third, accounting for nearly 13%. In addition, Germany and so on. The whole world sales in the forefront of lead-acid battery production enterprises mainly in the United States realte group, EXIDE group (including German SunShine Co), Japan Yuasa, C & D company and the Japanese Panasonic Corp.
Lead-acid battery is the largest battery product in the world. It accounts for 50% of the total battery and 70% of the rechargeable battery. Even though the most developed countries and regions in Europe, America and Japan are still producing and using lead-acid batteries, In lead-acid battery structure, the lead-acid lead-acid battery accounted for the largest proportion, reaching 48%, followed by the power type lead-acid battery, accounting for 28%, and the proportion of reserve and storage lead-acid batteries accounted for 15%.
Current situation of domestic lead-acid battery market competition
From the competition quantity, industry growth rate, exit barrier, homogenization degree and competition level, the industry is in the mature stage, the overall quality of the industry is uneven, most of the enterprises are concentrated on the low-end products, the price war, and the existing enterprises are facing fierce competition.
MNCs accelerate the layout of the Chinese market
China potential huge market and cheap resources has been an important incentive for the direct investment of transnational corporations, market competition intensified in recent years, rising raw material prices, multinational companies are facing more fierce market competition, and with Chinese opening promotion, multinational companies entering the value gradually increased Chinese link.
Of the multinationals that have entered the Chinese market, 90% plan to increase investment. Their investment fields extend from the original manufacturing industry to the upstream and downstream industries such as R & D, services, sales and so on. The gradual entry of the value links between the lack of effective integration, synergies can not be fully played. These reasons require multinational companies to reintegrate their resources and capabilities in order to achieve synergy and maximize economic benefits.
(1) merger and reorganization to expand the scope of business
Foreign capital enters China's lead-acid battery industry through joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions of domestic enterprises. For example, Panasonic Industrial Corporation and northeast Shenyang battery Limited by Share Ltd jointly set up Matsushita storage battery (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. Of course, after China's accession to the WTO, it is necessary for foreign capital to enter China's capital market and to engage in joint venture and merger of Chinese enterprises. Foreign investors who have both capital and high technology and advanced management experience should be welcomed. While foreign capital, technology and management have entered the Chinese market, it has also promoted the improvement of China's industrial technology and competitiveness.
(2) strengthen the research and development of Technology
Multinational companies pay more attention to technology research and development in China, and the investment in R & D in China is becoming more and more important. In the lead-acid battery industry, multinationals enter China and carry out the strong alliance strategy with China's well developed, long history or relatively advanced enterprises, so as to gradually expand and develop and occupy the domestic market of China.
(3) implementation of local management
When implementing the strategy of globalization, TNCs actively implement localization strategy, no matter staff or operation mode, or even supplier, nearly 100% of localization management. This can reduce the production cost, close to the user, in the supply of products and services, the formation of a supply chain in the local industry; on the other hand, through the management mode to optimize the use of advanced management concept, can improve the management efficiency of enterprises, to enable enterprises to better access to the Chinese market.
(4) control the core technology
In essence, market competition is the competition of modern science and technology, and it is the competition of technological innovation. MNCs take the dominant position by controlling the product standards, core technology and other key elements in the industrial chain division transfer. By constantly increasing investment in research and development, enhancing technological innovation ability, developing new environmentally friendly products with new materials and technologies, occupying the commanding heights of technology and improving the monopoly degree of key core technologies, we will gain high profits.
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