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Tesla took the first place in 2018
Time:2018-03-05    Source:    Views:1391
The 2018 New Year's bell hasn't been knocked out yet, and Tesla's first spontaneous combustion accident occurred in 2018. Although this kind of auto spontaneous combustion is not the first time in China, but there are many different from the past, no collision, no high temperature, no overcharge... So it's self burning. This can not help asking why this is exactly what it is.
The possible cause of the accident had to be said from the Panasonic battery used in Tesla.
The 18650 battery of the Panasonic battery itself is a very mature product, whether it is from its technology, production process or the safety of the battery itself. In spite of this, the instability of the Panasonic battery itself is a topic that doesn't work.
As we all know, once the internal temperature of the 18650 battery continues to exceed 100 to 110 degrees centigrade, its chemical composition will become extremely unstable. A large number of studies have found that as long as 18650 battery reaches the temperature under certain conditions, and the large number of internal heat can not be discharged, will make the internal battery components undergo further chemical reactions and heat release, lead to heat the battery completely out of control, resulting in batteries with peripheral items of spontaneous combustion. If the local combustion is not controlled, it will gradually spread to the whole vehicle. The causes of high temperature, impact, extrusion, overcharge and the aging of the battery will cause the self ignition of the battery and the self ignition of the car.
But what about this time of spontaneous combustion?
If the quality of the individual 18650 Panasonic batteries on a vehicle can be eliminated, it is more likely to be sure that the battery ageing caused by excessive use of vehicles.
Technically, it is an inevitable event that the cell itself is exothermic and cracking, which is caused by the internal structure and composition of the battery. So, we have to start with its structure. 18650, the structure of the battery is simply that a thin layer of special properties is used to separate the positive electrode containing nickel cobalt lithium from the negative electrode containing graphite, which is mainly composed of graphite materials. This layer of thin film metal molecules can pass through, but graphite molecules can not.
During charging the battery, the metal molecules of the cathode pass through the thin film to bond with graphite. When discharging, the metal molecules combined with graphite will return to the cathode through the film. But in the process of the charging and discharging of battery produced inside the metal dendrite like a tree, when the car in the fast charge or charge in low temperature condition, so the metal dendrite will accelerate the growth of internal short circuit will cause the battery through between the anode and the cathode film.
The internal short circuit of such a Panasonic battery will further cause the battery to heat up, and the inner heat of the battery will dissolve the film. Then, the positive electrode has a direct chemical reaction with the negative material, and a large amount of heat causes the battery to expand, and the material is ejected at a high pressure. After that, the other neighboring batteries will react with the failure battery at high temperature, just like Domino, which eventually leads to the spontaneous combustion of the whole battery.
Can someone ask to avoid such a "metal branch"? The answer is: No, no. This is related to the design of the battery, the impurities in the production process and the folds of the assembly, which can not be avoided.
Nevertheless, the spontaneous combustion of a battery is not a very easy process. It needs to go through many conditions and steps, and it can be stopped at any step. The self ignition of a battery will not occur as long as there is any one condition that can not be met. Therefore, it is a small probability event to look at the self ignition of the battery.
Conclusion: it is worth noting that in this accident, Tesla's proud and complete battery safety management system was completely invalid! In every process of battery self ignition, there is no alarm and processing function. So, I think that in addition to battery problems, more thought of Tesla is probably its battery management defects.
Finally, again, we look forward to a positive response to the incident by Tesla.
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