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Preventive measures for the capacity attenuation of Panasonic battery
Time:2018-03-05    Source:    Views:1496
Many friends think that the Panasonic battery can be used for a long time since it can be recharged, but it is not. The Panasonic battery has its service life, and its mission is finished when its capacitance is consumed. Of course, if you can use the battery correctly or prolong the service life of the battery, how can we use the Panasonic battery correctly? In fact, the key to the use of the battery is its capacity, so when we use the Panasonic battery, we need to pay attention to the attenuation of the capacity of the battery. Under the Panasonic battery general agent network small editor together to see to understand the battery capacity prevention bar.
In the use of the Panasonic battery, the Pb02 and the PBS04 coexist on the positive plate, and the Pb and the PBS04 coexist on the negative pole. In the equation of Figure 1-2 and charge discharge reaction, both the positive pole and the anode are Pbo2, and the negative poles are all Pb. When the rechargeable battery is recharged in actual use, it is not possible to completely convert the PBSO4 on the plate into Pbo2 or Pb. If each charge and discharge cycle is one hundred percent, it will greatly extend the charge and discharge time. Because the charging efficiency is very low at the later stage of charging, most of the current is consumed in the decomposition of water. The oxygen atoms produce new ecological water decomposition on the cathode, before merging into a polar molecule in two oxygen atoms, the oxidation corrosion ability is extremely strong, which aggravated the corrosion of positive plate, and the binding force of pure PbO is poor, easily leads to a large amount of powder. In order to prolong the life of the lead-acid battery, it is not necessary to pay a heavy cost for the grid to be corroded to restore a small amount of capacity. At the same time, in many cases, the working condition is not allowed to use the charger for a few batteries for a long time. For the above reasons, each of the charge and discharge cycles will have a part of the active substance converted to PBSO4 and lose its activity. It is this slow diet that makes the battery lose its original capacity at a bit.
Some people say, "the loss of the battery makes the battery lose its capacity." If shedding is the only reason, then only by mechanical means to wrap positive plates, can the active substances not fall off, can Matsushita batteries be used indefinitely? In fact, this is not the case. The variation in the microstructure of the active substance is also an important cause of the loss of activity. It is no longer detailed here.


The above is the working principle and precautionary measures of Panasonic battery capacity introduced by Xiaobian. We hope to help you and learn more about Matsushita Battery. Please continue to pay attention to it: www.panasonicboss.com.
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