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Analysis of the model of Panasonic battery
Time:2018-03-05    Source:    Views:1742
Many customers have been unable to understand the meaning of the Panasonic battery model. Below we simply explain the contents of each letter of the Panasonic battery.
"LC-" series
Figure No. 12345678910 1112
Model No. L C - * * * * * * * *

No.1 to 3:
The first three is a commodity mark, "LC-" is a valve controlled sealed lead acid battery.

The fourth English alphabet is a battery character mark. See the list of products.

Fifth English letters are the same type, the same capacity but different shape of the product differentiation mark. When there is no distinction between the need, the British
The letters can be omitted.

No.5 to 6 (or No.6 to 7)
2 Arabia numbers represent the nominal voltage of the battery, and "12" indicates that the nominal voltage of the battery is 12V, and "06" indicates the nominal voltage of the battery.
It's 6V.

No.7 to 9 (or No.8 to 10)
1-3 Arabia numbers represent the rated capacity of the battery, in which the "R" indicates a decimal point. For example, "7R2" indicates that the rated capacity is
7.2Ah, "100" means that the rated capacity is 100Ah. If the terminal of a medium capacity battery is a bolt terminal, then one after the above model is added.
"A" to express.

No.8 to 12
In the end, 1-2 letters are used to distinguish the type of the battery's trademark printing and box printing. For the small battery, add 1 to the rear.
Arabia numbers distinguish terminals. "1" means 250M or 250 terminals. "2" means 250 terminal and 187 terminal, without digital representation.
187 terminal.

According to the above numbering rules, "LC-R127R2ST1" indicates that the VRLA battery is a small valve controlled general seal product, the nominal voltage is 12V, the rated capacity is 7.2Ah, the Chinese package box and the 250M terminal.
"UP-" series
Figure No. 12345678910 1112
Model No. U P - * * * * * * * *
No.1 to 3
"UP-" is a valve controlled sealed lead acid battery used in UPS

No.4 with the "LC-" series

"W" indicates that the battery capacity of this variety is expressed as "Watt"

No.5 with the "LC-" series

No.6 to 7 (or No.7 to 8)
The same "LC-" series No.5 to 6

No.8 to 9 (or No.9 to 10)
2 Arabia numbers represent the rated power of the battery, for example, "32" means that the rated power per unit is 32W.

No.10 to 12 (or No.6 to 7)
The same "LC-" series No.8 to 12

According to the above numbering rules, "UP-RWA1232T1" indicates that the VRLA is a small valve controlled general seal, the nominal voltage is 12V, the rated power of each unit is 32W, the Chinese package box and 250M terminal.
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