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On the rated capacity of the Panasonic battery
Time:2018-03-05    Source:    Views:1434
The capacity of the Panasonic storage battery refers to the amount of storage battery stored in the storage battery, represented by the symbol C. The common units of ampere hour, referred to as ah MAH (Ah) or (mAh).
The capacity of the Panasonic storage battery can be divided into nominal capacity (nominal capacity) and actual capacity.
(1) rated capacity
The rated capacity is that the battery should discharge the minimum amount of electricity (Ah) at a 10 hour rate current under the ambient temperature of 25 centigrade.
A, discharge rate. The discharge rate is based on the discharge current of the battery, which is divided into the time rate and the current rate.
The time rate of discharge refers to the time of the discharge to the end of the discharge voltage under a certain discharge condition. According to the IEC standard, the discharge time rate is 20, 10, 5, 3, 1, 0.5 hour rate and minute rate, respectively, as follows: 20Hr, 10Hr, 5Hr, 3Hr, 2Hr, 1Hr, 0.5Hr and so on.
B, rated capacity. The fixed lead-acid battery specifies the rated capacity that can be discharged to the final voltage at a 10 hour rate of current at 25 C. The rated capacity of the 10 hour rate is expressed in C10. The current value of the 10 hour rate is C10/10.
(2) actual capacity
The actual capacity refers to the amount of electricity that the battery can output under certain conditions. It is equal to the product of the discharge current and the discharge time, and the unit is Ah.
C, discharge termination voltage. At a certain discharge rate at 25 centigrade temperature, the minimum voltage to be recharged and recharged is called the discharge terminal voltage. Most of the fixed batteries are required to terminate a voltage of 1.8V/ at a 10Hr discharge (25 degrees C). The termination voltage value depends on the rate of discharge and the need. Usually, in order to make the battery run safely, the value of termination voltage is slightly higher than that of 10Hr, and the value of termination voltage is slightly lower than that of 10Hr. In the communication power system, the termination voltage of the battery discharge is determined by the requirements of the communication equipment for the basic voltage.
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