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How to deal with the self-discharge of Panasonic battery
Time:2019-07-26    Source:    Views:2136
The use of Panasonic batteries may sometimes encounter some faults, self-discharge is a typical faults. The main purpose of this article is to tell us about how Panasonic batteries can correctly eliminate self-discharge problems?
To help you better maintain and use our power supply equipment.
Experts analyze that if there is self-discharge in Panasonic batteries, the scales or electrolytes on Panasonic battery shells should be removed first, and then check (cut off all circuits) whether there are electrical appliances or components that are consuming battery power.
The detection methods are as follows:
Take the test lamp method. It is the requirement that after we remove the grounding cable, we use a low-power test lamp to connect the negative pole of the battery with the grounding cable. If the test lamp is on, it will clarify that there is a short circuit fault in the line. Test with voltmeter or ammeter. Some electronic devices, such as digital clocks and electronic tunable receivers, consume electricity continuously even after all switches are disconnected. When testing, remove the grounding cable, connect the positive meter pen to the grounding cable, and the negative meter pen to the negative pole of the battery. The voltage display value should be slightly less than the static electromotive force of the battery, such as the static electromotive force of 12.6V, if the measured voltage is 12.2V, the circuit is normal. If the current meter is used for testing, it should be measured with a high range first, and then reduced to a low range according to the demand, in order to read the accurate reading. Under the condition of confirming the fuselage leakage, adhere to the connection of ammeter or test lamp, remove each fuse wire one by one, and observe the oscillation of ammeter pointer or the change of light and shade of test lamp. If the leakage phenomenon is eliminated after removing a fuse wire, that is to say, the circuit controlled by the fuse wire has the problem of short circuit with iron. By comparing with the circuit diagram, the leakage position can be found and swept away.
If the above inspection is normal, the defect is indicated inside the battery. Check the charging of Panasonic battery: If the density, temperature and terminal voltage of the electrolyte rise slowly or not, indicating the short circuit inside the battery, the battery should be replaced; if the charging is normal, it indicates that the electrolyte contains impurities, all electrolytes should be poured out, cleaned several times with distilled water, and recharged after joining the new electrolyte. We need to know that our battery products are based on the most advanced technology in the world, through the most comprehensive design to meet the various needs of all users.
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