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Panasonic Battery Capacity Test Method
Time:2019-04-22    Source:    Views:3647
Discharge method is widely used in battery testing. The test distance is usually once a year to test the capacity of the battery pack. Common steps and precautions for discharge testing include:
1. Configure false load and set appropriate discharge rate.
Difficulty in practice: False load is bulky, not every site has. For large capacity batteries, the power requirement of false load is higher
Alternative approach: using real load discharge (some enterprises will also use real load to stop checking discharge in the first 3-5 years of battery operation, releasing 30-40% of nominal capacity).
Risk: The real load is uncontrollable and can not complete the constant discharge; the power is also comparatively small and can not achieve enough discharge rate.
2. Disconnect the charger
Difficulty in practice: Load practice is in a state of no maintenance or insufficient maintenance
Alternatives: Shorten discharge time or stop at a specific maintenance window
Risk: If the battery capacity is seriously deteriorated, it is likely that a power failure will occur when the charger is disconnected; if the discharge time is shortened within a limited maintenance window, the complete discharge test can not be completed, and the actual capacity of each battery can not be calculated.
3. Monitor whether the discharge current is constant
Difficulty in practice: To shorten the discharge time, it is necessary to increase the current, usually up to several hundred amperes.
Risk: Special cables are needed, otherwise the fire will probably go out; heat dissipation of false loads must be guaranteed, otherwise accidents may occur.
4. Regularly monitor the voltage of each battery. Once the voltage of a battery falls to the cut-off voltage, the discharge will be suspended. Calculate the capacity of the battery
Difficult Practice: Do not know when the cut-off voltage will be reached
Variable methods: frequent test voltage; shorten discharge time to prevent putting it on the cut-off voltage; when the discharge is completed, the voltage of each battery is compared horizontally, and the lower voltage is the lagging battery.
Risk: Once a battery reaches the cut-off voltage quickly and is not found, it is likely to overdischarge and even extinguish; if it is not placed in the cut-off voltage, it is impossible to accurately calculate capacity; lateral analog voltage can only be qualitatively identified.
5. Remove the battery from the realized battery pack, continue discharging and step 4 until all the batteries reach the cut-off voltage, and calculate the capacity of each battery.
Risk: When a battery reaches the cut-off voltage, it stops discharging and calculates accurately the capacity of the worst battery at most.
6. Stop discharge testing in the next maintenance cycle
Difficulties in practice: The most frequent test cycles are also once a year
Risk: The battery's health is unknown during the test interval of up to a year; too frequent discharge tests consume the battery's cycle life (usually 200-500 cycles).<
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