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Three Points for Attention in the Use of Panasonic Battery in UPS Power Supply
Time:2019-03-05    Source:    Views:2282
The actual available capacity of Panasonic batteries is closely related to the discharge current of the batteries, the working environment temperature of Panasonic batteries, the storage time and the load characteristics. If UPS power supply is not used correctly, the actual usable capacity of Shenyang Panasonic battery is far less than the nominal capacity. To this end, users should pay attention to the following points when using batteries:
1. The excessive discharge of Panasonic battery and the long period of open-circuit idleness of the battery will cause a large amount of lead sulfate to be generated inside the battery and adsorbed on the cathode of the battery to form the so-called "sulfation" of the cathode, which results in the increase of the internal resistance of the battery and the influence of the charging and discharging performance of the battery. At present, the service life of M-type sealed lead-acid batteries is about 3-5 years.
2. For most UPS power supply, the internal charging circuit can be used for floating charging after each discharge. In order to ensure that Panasonic batteries are re-charged in a saturated state, the charging time is usually 10-12 hours. Insufficient charging time will make the battery in an inadequate state of charging, so that the actual available capacity of the battery is far below the nominal capacity. When the municipal voltage is less than 200V, some UPS power supply can not use the internal charging circuit to saturate the battery charging.
3. In order to ensure that Shenyang Panasonic battery has good charging and discharging characteristics, long-term idle UPS power supply (UPS power supply shutdown for more than 10 days) should not be loaded before it is restarted. UPS power supply must make use of the charging circuit in the machine to float the battery for 10-12 hours before it is used. For users using backup UPS power supply, if the UPS power supply works in the backup state for a long time, it is recommended that the UPS power supply should work in the inverter state for at least 2-3 minutes every other month to activate Panasonic battery.
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